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Bluegrass Families First (BFF)

formed in 2012 as a non-profit to promote and provide opportunities for high quality early childhood development, education, health and human services for Lexington families in their progress toward self-sufficiency.


To this end, we provide programming through Family Allies, recognize the family-focused work of those in our community through the annual Jean Sabharwal Award, support the needs of families in the Bluegrass through The Giving Tree and provide scholarships to deserving student parents. Additionally, we support three family-centered organizations:


Core Values

Bluegrass Families First will:


  • Embrace the diversity inherent in the definition of “family” and support local efforts which strive to identify and deliver quality, comprehensive services to the community.

  • Partner with individuals, businesses, agencies and groups to provide funding and support for family-centered programs.

  • Use our individual and collective resources and creativity to maintain high-quality services to families in the community.

  • Adhere to the highest professional and ethical standards.

  • Promote an environment in which each individual is treated with dignity and respect.

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